
Farmcubes Quadro 2 mobiele demo | Circular Values B.V. – Tilburg
Circular Values heeft voor demonstratiedoeleinden een mobiele Farmcubes Quadro 2 installatie gebouwd. Dit is een volledig zelfdraaiende installatie die op aanvraag gedemonstreerd kan worden op

HPRO 100 | Pig farm gebr. Van de Kerkhof - Someren
At pig farm gebr. Van de Kerkhof in Someren, there was already an existing Reverse Osmosis plant that can remove 60% of the water from the manure. Circular

Quadro 2 Nitrogen Stripper | Mts Kuiper-Herrema - Easterein
For the company Mts Kuiper-Herrema, Circular Values built, delivered and installed a custom-made Farmcubes Quadro 2. This Quadro 2 has a capacity

Quadro 6 Nitrogen stripper mobile | Loonbedrijf Van der Mierden B.V. - Veldhoven
For Loonbedrijf Van der Mierden, Circular Values delivered a mobile Quadro 6 nitrogen stripper. Because it is mobile it can serve on different cattle farms, w

Quadro 6 Nitrogen Stripper mobile | Swart - Tynarloo
In Tynarloo, Circular Values built a mobile Quadro 6 nitrogen stripper for Swart. This mobile stripper has a capacity of 12 m³ per hour and

RO 60 Reverse Osmosis | Borne Agro B.V. - Bladel
At pig farm Borne Agro B.V., Circular Values built, supplied and installed a Reverse Osmosis system. This system is connected behind the existing biology system. The goal is

Quadro 2 Nitrogen Stripper | Dairy Farm Loonen - Merselo
At a dairy farm in Merselo, our stationary Quadro 2 nitrogen stripper is located behind a mono digester from the Jumpstart project. Because green gas is being produced at the

Belt Press | Bio Energy Hartlief-Lammers B.V. - Donderen
In Donderen, Circular Values supplied a Farmcubes Screening Belt complete with supply and discharge pump. This sieving belt has a capacity of 12 m³ per hour and

Quadro 4 Nitrogen Stripper | Groenewoud B.V. - Sint-Oedenrode
For agricultural company Groenewoud B.V. in Sint-Oedenrode, Circular Values built a stripper of the Quadro 4 type. Groenewoud has a biogas plant. Cow manure is collected on

Quadro 6 Nitrogen Stripper mobile | Van der Veen - Niebert
In Niebert, Circular Values built a mobile Quadro 6 nitrogen stripper for Van der Veen. This mobile stripper has a capacity of 6 m³ per year.

HPRO 120 demo | S.K.T. Inc. – Hokkaido, Japan
For Japanese company S.K.T. Inc, Circular Values built a Farmcubes 120 bar High Pressure Reverse Osmosis (HPRO 120) demo plant in early 2021 in a